Welcome to U.R.S. Landmanagement, United Research for Soil


U.R.S. Landmanagement, United Research for Soil - is an international consulting company,
which has been dedicated to promoting soil fertility and protecting the environment since 1990.


We offer our customers and partners - from agriculture, industry, authorities and research - concrete problem solutions and training programs, on the topics of agriculture and composting. We support our clients in all questions of agronomy, economics, as well as environmental and climate protection.

Our wealth of experience - from over 50 years - of two generations of soil, compost and food research, is an integral part of our consulting and training activities. This means we offer a wealth of knowledge and practical experience, that is unique in this combination.

One of the most important issues of this century, is the restoring of the humus-forming ability of our soils; and it is our great pleasure to support every soil caretaker in achieving this great task quickly and economically.

"Our love is for life in the soil! And the most important goal of our work is soil health!"



U.R.S. Landmanagement, United Reserach for Soil
Urs Hildebrandt
Pühret 5
4722 Peuerbach
Österreich / Austria


Phone +43 7276 3618
Fax +43 7276 3618 13