KMQS - Compost - quality assurance - made easy!

The eagerly awaited new combination of our Bluetooth-enabled thermometer and our quality assurance app is now available! The operators of our test systems are delighted with the ease of use and the comprehensive options available to them with the KMQS.

KMQS stands for compost management quality assurance
and is a cloud-based app.


Advantages of KMQS:

  • Agricultural municipal composting / municipal composting: The app enables these composters to enter the data that must be submitted to the authorities into the system.
  • Agricultural composting: There is no obligation to use the cloud for private or agricultural composting! The data can also be managed exclusively on your own smartphone or computer..
  • Fast and precise measurement / transmission: The new G1791 thermometer with Bluetooth function enables more precise and faster temperature measurement and transmits the measured data to the smartphone in real time.
  • New construction method: Thanks to the new design, the thermometer can be operated with one hand. 
  • Data processing: The data can be managed from a smartphone with the help of KMQS and supplemented with additional information, images or values. The newly developed software or app therefore makes managing a composting site much easier.  
  • External data management: Another advantage of the app is that the data can also be accessed externally. This means that composters can also view the development of their compost while on holiday.

For our national and international customers, we also offer support for improving compost quality.
The composter can activate the data for us and receive feedback or warnings from us if the composting process requires adjustments. 

For further information please contact +43 7276 3618 or