Research - Our understanding of research and science


In the western world, we like to think of scientific work as knowledge-creating work. In fact, science is much more about discovering connections. We recognise ‘patterns of nature’ and combine the images that we have created in the course of our lives into a colourful, living film of existence. Ideally, we even grasp a little of what makes up the essence of life. As a result, our (life) framework, on which we base our actions, becomes increasingly diverse and complex. We can grasp the consequences of our actions in a larger context. 

This is our enthusiasm, the driving force behind our research and scientific work at Schweizerhof, as well as with our partners and customers - worldwide. We search for the questions that arise from the answers.

The enthusiasm of the Lübke-Hildebrandt families to follow in the footsteps of nature, to unravel some of its infinite secrets and to recognise - how we can actually live in harmony with nature - has been our driving force for over 50 years. We are now in our second and even third generation of research into soil, plants, compost and all their interconnections with humans, animals and the environment. 

We enthusiastically pass on the great surprises that we experience every day and the new insights that we are gifted with every day to all interested parties through our consulting and training programmes. We also carry out many research projects together with institutions, research facilities and so on. And it is a great pleasure for us to organise and supervise research projects together with our customers.

If there are topics that concern you and for which you are looking for a research partner, we are always happy to talk to you.