SESO-fest lactic acid preparation
for the preservation of organic waste


SESO-liquid Lactic acid preparation
for the preservation of organic waste


Bacterial and fungal preparation for compost and soils


for gas measurement of composting


Digital thermometer
for measuring the temperature of composts


Mini soil laboratory (test box) for soil and compost measurement,
also suitable for water and food testing.


Nitrate/nitrite measuring strips
Nitrate/nitrite measurement in: Soil, compost, food, water


Ammonium test kit
Ammonium determination in: Soil, compost, water


Digital pH meter, including temperature measurement
High-quality, robust and handy measuring device


Sulphide test strips
for determining the sulphide value of composts and soils


Round filter
Filter paper for obtaining the test suspension


Petri dishes
clear plastic Petri dishes Ø 94 mm


Further reagents for extraction
we offer an extensive range of



Circular chromatography equipment according to Pfeiffer-Lübke
Chroma-Box for the preparation of soil, compost and food chromatograms


Whatman round filters No. 1 and No. 4
for the production of chromatograms according to Pfeiffer-Lübke


Chroma box (without chemicals)
for the production of chromatograms according to Pfeiffer-Lübke


Laboratory service

Round filter chromatography according to Pfeiffer-Lübke


Soil analyses
as required or according to official requirements


Compost analyses
as required or according to official requirements


Determination of humus value
Extraction of humus substances from soils and composts


Food testing
Qualitative and quantitative analyses


Movies & Books

“Handbook of soil life” by Annie Francé-Harrar
In this work, Annie Francé-Harrar summarizes the most important
aspects of her 46 years of direct observations on the ground.
observations made directly on the ground.


“Die letzte Chance für eine Zukunft ohne Not”
von Annie Francé-Harrar
Der Inhalt dieses Buches zeigt genau auf, was wir in den letzten
Jahrzehnten vernachlässigt haben.