The Composting-Facility at the 'Schweizerhof'
At the agricultural-municipal composting facility of the Schweizerhof*, a combination of green waste from the surrounding communities, along with other organic materials, are turned into highest quality compost. Based on a strict method of a controlled composting process, raw organic matter is transformed into - soil- and environmentally friendly - humus.
The composting process is conducted in a manner, which guarantees that no environmental pollution (e.g. odours, Ammonia or Methane) can take place and that no undesirable losses (e.g. excessive CO2 production) may happen.
The end product of our strictly controlled composting process is crumb-stabilized humus, which contains a diverse and rich humifying microlife.
This compost does not contain raw organic matter, but 'living' carbon along with nutrients - which are complexed (clay-humus-complex, chelates, humic substances, biomass of microlife, etc.) and are therefore not lost through precipitation or irrigation. Such a compost fertilizes plants optimally and contributes to an effective and sustainable increase in soil fertility.
The composting facility at the Schweizerhof is not only the production site for highest compost quality of grade A+, but also the site for scientific compost research and a training facility for composters from all over the world.
*Agricultural-municipal composting-facility', is the term for composting-facilities, which process organic materials from communities, together with materials from strictly agricultural sources, turning them into highest quality compost.
This term does not provide any information regarding the tax-related nature of the facility - whether it is a family farm or an incorporated business.